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Want brighter, shinier, softer, smoother, and healthier hair?


Are your once bright, beautiful highlights looking muddy and dull or brassy and orange? Does your hair feel brittle or dry? Everyone has porous hair from their mid-lengths down to their ends if they color, blow dry, flat iron, or curl their hair. They also get porosity from over processing hair color, sun exposure, hard water, and chlorine.

The hard water and chlorine buries deep into the porosity of the hair and acts like a glue like substance to hold hair together. Its not a “good” glue, it is a “bad” glue that will cause breakage, tangling, matting, split ends, brittleness, and dryness.

My Vitamin C Clarify treatment releases minerals and chlorine from the deep pockets of your hair, which leaves it brighter, shinier, softer, smoother, and healthier.

If you don’t fill those holes with a “good” glue, they will quickly build up again with the bad stuff and your hair will not break free of the vicious cycle.

To break the cycle of dry, brittle, unhealthy hair, it is important to finish your treatment with a protein or moisture/ hot oil masque. Protein fills the holes with “good” glue and the benefits of using will leave your hair feeling thicker, fuller, stronger, and healthier. A moisture masque is great for curly and coarse textured hair to rejuvenate.

To maximize the benefits of your treatments I now have a vitamin C serum for you to take home: Hebe Youth Nectar #2. It is created in house using organic ingredients. This product as well as my Vitamin C and collegen water filter, will keep your hair bright and beautiful until your next color service.

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